Since in the first part of my BA I picked up to do research and write about the Virtual Worlds in Video Games, I though it will be a nice idea to make a virtual world on my own, not something too difficult, just a simple adventure style game, with not much challenge. It will mostly be a nice looking multimedia application, with a few pretty easy riddles.
The game will be made in Vue 6 infinite and Photoshop, and I will compose the images and videos on Flash, where I will add some interactivity as well.
It is pretty soon to start this project, but even if it will not be difficult, it will need a lot of time, so I started a few months ago, with some other small projects, to learn how Vue 6 is working and what it is capable of.
Yesterday I did my first major step, and created my first complete item. A castle,stone framed, iron reinforced, wooden door.
Here is the final render:
Click here for bigger image (click on image to enlarge)
And some details which are hidden in the shadows: