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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Another idea

So while I'm waiting for the final renders for stage 1 to finish I made this:

I have no idea where I will add it (nice game plan eh? :P) but I will!

Also I arranged a couple of things and there is a high possibility to buy an AMD Phenom x6 1075T for X-mas, it will be a great boost for the renderings and for the whole project!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Still waiting for the renders to end...
I knew that the final renders will took up most of the time in this project but I really didn't expect it to take that much time.

So I keep working on somethings here and there but definitely have almost nothing to show up because all the work is been done under the hood.
However it seems that this "waiting" is giving me time to reconsider some things, like the menu screen for example.
The first attempt was this:

ok not really, the very first was a disaster with some shitty shinny looking font copping the font style from Riven...
Leaving the font aside this render here is... way too busy. All this rocks and grass and shit... really when you got a lot of tools you just want to use them all in one shot.
Just look at the buttons, all photoshop effects are in use... (ok not all).
After doing some yoga to find my inner graphic designer and some negative criticism from my girlfriend for how cheap and out of space the first title (well there was the font I mentioned and... many many effects...) I realized what I did and brought back in my mind the golden rule.
Less, is more! (But don't overdid it, ok?)

So renewed and bored to death from waiting the renders I came up with this:

Also I made an info screen:

And visualized some other ideas I had. I know more artists when they are to show some idea they draw it in hand or with markers etc, but hell I just find it easier to make it directly in Vue and then make changes here and there, or even rework the whole scene to fix things that went terrible wrong.

So here is a bridge I did and I hope to use later in the game:

And here is some other ideas for the stage 3:
The floating islands:

And this is some short of altar, which will go on the final and bigger floating island, it will be something like the final "portal" to end stage 3.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Still here!

I have to post an update for some time now, but I'm not idle. I finished the first stage, but I'm in front of a great bottleneck here.

Final renders. This is a big pain for me, because I calculated that the final renders for stage 1 will take about 2 months of render time. So far I have finished only the first 3 scenes, and there are match more.
I wanted to add animation here and there, for example when the door opens, but this is gonna take years!
It was to be expected with my low end computer, but really didn't expected to be that much. All these trees and grasses around the stage 1 are increasing the time it takes to render for good.

Anyway I work on the project by day and I leave the computer open at nights to do the final renderings, I try to save some moneys to get a 6 core phenom, but this is hard to do since I don't have a job.

So I have started to put things together in flash with low resolution images, I made the main music theme and I work on the next stage of the game.

I have made a new demo reel to show the progress so far, the music is the main them I mentioned above, enjoy:

Youtube messed the video somehow and it restart 2 times till it go as it was supposed to go, after the first minute.

Also here is a picture from the starting area of stage 2 (it will be 3, but the real stage 2 is really very short to count it).

Monday, September 20, 2010

Stage 1 is almost done!

Well it is time for an update.

I almost finished with stage one, there are a few things here and there to add (a phone and a wooden outside toilet which are ready as objects) but the rest are final.
I did had a great trouble with the surrounding ecosystem, the first try was that:

and as you can see while the forest is almost ok (there are not trees close) the grass is terible, small and not close to each instance of it, not to mention the grass in front of us, there is no grass in front of us!
This happened because I added a hidden object to stop trees from spawning in front of the camera, but I over did it.
I tried to make it better but I did it worst:

so I decided to remove the automatic ecosystem and to do it by hand, which is really painful with my low power system. After all the automatic ecosystem as material it was a pain in rendering and it was adding about an hour to calculate and more, if we consider that it was filling the memory and the swap file by up to 16GBs.

I also found some tutorials about optimizing the renders and they saved me a lot of time and they will save even more once I do the finals at 1280x800p.

So there is the final scene, I added about 20 trees by hand and after the second line of trees I used a paint ecosystem brush to add random forest. I used the same brush for the grass and made it much more realistic.


This is final but I have to render it again in 1280x800 sometime later. I will do some small renders to start composing in flash and I will change them with the higher resolution ones afterwards.

And I made a low resolution video to show how the door will open:

I also made the intro for stage 2, where we land after our teleportation journey and the strange life form who will explain to us what happened. This is a loop:

It is a little dark, movie maker did it...

That's all for now!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Some early shots of the inside.

I have finished the laboratory building, and I'm making the surroundings now. Before that I took some "photos" from the inside. Somethings have changed and the shots are outdated, but I want to give a first impression on what we will see inside the building.

(Above)This is the entrance from the outside to the reception.

This is the door of the main laboratory, as seen from the reception room.

The door is open now, I'm planing on creating a preview animation to show how the door opens. It is made of 3 parts, the bigger at the front will slide down and then the other 2 behind it (which are half door size each) will slide left and right, like the automatic doors in elevators. So this is the laboratory.

And this is a closer view, the texture in the chair need some adjustment.

So this is the living room, a place to relax and spend some free time.

I also did some experimental renderings of the building to see if the ultra settings for rendering are really giving me anything back, or it is just adding extremely more time to render.

As you can see below, yes these settings make the whole scene much better and they worth the extra time.

Final render settings


Ultra render settings

The difference is clear.

Anyway I'm populating the forest around the building now. I will soon post an update.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Laboratory, step 1

Hello everyone, I have decided to do less frequently updates. So far every time I made an object I was posting here. From now on I will only post about progress in whole scenes.

So here is the step 1 in laboratory's creation.

I got some help from my girlfriend (she is studying architecture in the NTUA university) to design the building, she made me a top view (actually she made for me the whole building but Vue doesn't import ArchiCAD files, neither ArchiCAD export in some format Vue can read) and I transfered the building in 3D into Vue.

Then I made a full automatic door to add in front and the lab's entrance, you can not see it here but is complicated and not easy to breach through, I will made an animation later to show that. I also made a device to add next to those major doors, with finger print recognition and an extra monitor.
Also I made a reception desk with a typically computer.

Then I added the teleportation device and a desk and few computer monitors in the main laboratory room. You can see it in detail here:

So the hard part is almost over, for the rest furniture in the building I will use ready items.
The next step is to make the natural surroundings of the building, I'm afraid that the ecosystem tool will eat up all my ram for that task, but it have to be done.

Anyway I will post back again once I finish this scene!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Welcome home!

Since the Adventure game project got a name, I moved everything in this new blog, to separate it from the other one which is for all my on going projects in general.

The new blog need a little tweaking here and there (some pictures for example are too big for the new layout), so be a little patient and I will fix everything soon.

Keep in mind that there will be no new posts for this game in the old blog, all the news and updates will be posted here from now on!

Have a nice Autumn!

Friday, July 30, 2010

The laboratory

Hi again, here I am once more with another update.

The whole project is on the go but the progress is short of slow. This is mostly because officially I'm on vacations and I swim, I get out and things like this and on my "free" time I work on the project and also trying to get familiar with open source programs, like gimp and inkskape. You see I really want to work exclusively on open source programs, for many reasons.

Anyway this is not the place to say why to use open source, so I return on topic.

I'm working on the laboratory, actually the first level of the game which will also be the "intro" of the whole story. I did had an accident with the first file I made with the laboratory, I made the "teleportation device" and then the saved file didn't want to open again, vue 8 was just keep on crashing, I also tried to open it in my desktop and no difference, crash on load. It was short of push back because I designed a mechanism to hydraulic open and close the device's door, and also linked the objects in a way to be used for easier animation. It took me about 4 hours and all are lost. At least I designed the mechanism in hand first and it will be easier to remade it.
After that I decided to design each part of an object separately and then join them in a new file, this seems like safer way to do things.

The results are this:

The main body of the device.

And this:

This is the window of the device and I made an aged alternative of it to use elsewhere:

Also I used the lamb from the preview post and joined all the objects together to make the "teleportation device":

All I need to finish the device now is to make the door and the mechanism to open and close it.

Also I made some handmade artwork with a BIC pen... I don't have any other mediums available here so that was the best I could do, another problem was that I don't have a scanner available so I shotted it with my macbook's web cam, the image is terrible but you can get an idea before I will scan it.

So this is the artwork for the teleportation device and the door mechanism:
and a plan from top view I draw to know what will go where inside the laboratory, because of the terrible quality you can't read what is what, sorry for that I will scan a better image soon.

Also I did a high resolution render to the device to see more details:

You can get it from here:

That's all for now!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A little update

Hello! I finished with my college for this year so I'm enjoying a few days of vocations. However I still work on the adventure project.

I though of a name, since the game will take place in parallel universes, I though it might be cool to call it "Multiverse".

I was also working on the first scene of the game. The laboratory where the whole adventure will begin...
A disaster! I worked overnight to make the "teleportation" device, with some short of real looking mechanism to open and close the door, I saved the file and once I tried to open it up again... BOOM! Vue 8 crashes!

I was hoping that this is some short of problem in my macbook so I tried, full of hope to open it in my windows desktop, still crash...

It seems I have to remade it from scratch, at least I draw the mechanism in hand before go on with the 3D modeling, so it will be easier this time.

I also remade a scene which is not part of the current project, but it can be used for it.

It is some short of water well, the original is this:

and the remake is this:

Also I made a lamb :

and an attempt to add it on a wall:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Island animation

I know it is stupid to keep working on the island without even a project plan yet, but I can't stop!
So I made the animation and did a small render to check things.


Thursday, May 6, 2010


Hello everyone I hope you are all fine, the latest events in Greece does not make me feel fine myself but well...
Anyway I fall behind a little with the project, I was busy with my studies and yesterday it was a bad day, and my morale was really really down, because of all that shits that happens in my country.
As I said a part of the scenario is already done, and all it was needed was to translate it. So here it is:

Our hero is typical scientist who works day and night in his laboratory and he tries to make a teleportation device.
The research in theory is moving smooth but the experiments does not, since so far he is not able to move an object from the place A to place B, or maybe he did, but he does not know where the hell this place B it is.
Another routine day in the lab and our hero is doing some changes in the device (think a box with a door, for the device), and one of the cats he got for experiments in the lab went free from her cage and pressed the activation button of the device. As a result our scientist (he does not have a name yet, maybe Gordon Freeman? :P) he disappears!
After a really crazy and surrealistic journey he lands in a strange place. The place looks like a desert but there is no sand, just an infinite plane. All of a sudden, in front of him appears that and starts to talk to him.
The strange life form, explains to him that Einstein's theory for the parallels dimensions was right, except the part of how many they are, because there are an infinite number of them.
Each dimension is been over watched by it's guardian, like that life form who talk to us. The guardian have to make sure that there is balance in his dimension and in rare cases like now, to help any "intruder" return to his dimension without disturbing the balance and order in the other ones. The problem is that the connection between the dimensions are one way, what means we can not return back that easy. We must found a way through the other dimensions with the help of their guardians.
The guardian inform us that our life form will change in each dimension, like it did now (here it pop ups a mirror like thing and show us that we look like the guardian), and we must find the guardian of each dimension to move us to the next one (till we made it to ours).

After that we are been teleported at the next dimension. There we see that it is an artificial world where the only living beings are robots and computers. A small robot show up and says that the guardian sends him and he will help us to find our way to the guardian. This will be a dummy entry level to make the user familiar with the controls and in most of our way to the guardian we will do thinks that the little robot instruct us to do.
Next it is the island level which I gave shots a few days ago. From that on we are at our own and we have to use logic and tips around the world to made it to the next guardian.
When I say logic I mean for example that : "there is a boat, it seems clickable but nothing happens once you click. The reason is that it is useless without the paddle which is somewhere close but with smaller clickable area, so it will be harder to found it with a simple mouseover". In that scene with the boar if you can't find the paddle and move on the next area there will be a dead end, but if you look careful enough, you will see a tip, which says that you will need the paddle to take the boat, and go to the island next to that one you are!

This is it so far, I have a couple of ideas about other areas and I will make some artwork for each one of them soon.



Monday, May 3, 2010

The Island Wallpaper

OK here is a wallpaper from the island.
You can use it or distribute it for free as long as my watermark remains.
If you want to give it trough your site please link back here.


The Island Vue 8 step 2

So with the newest version of Vue on my hands I decided to sacrifice my sleep to move this scene a little closer to completion.
Day by day I'm getting more and more exited about this project! Especially now with that powerful tool on my hand... aaaaah sweet like wine, yes this is how it tastes to create new worlds!

Also the story behind the game is gaining form day by day. But I have it in Greek right now and I'm working on the translation of it. It is not something which take a lot of time, but I work on my studies as well and I'm very, very short in time right now.

The Island Vue 8

YEY! I got hands on the newest Vue available. The difference is huge since it is 2 versions after the 6 I was using so far.

Check by yourself:

The land sculpturing tools in Vue 8 are just amazing, and the water more realistic than ever, the improvement is great! I work the new tools out now!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Island

OK so here I am again, I was bored last night so I created something close to an idea I had. It is close to the myst-riven philosophy With an island in the middle of nowhere, even if I go a little close to the Riven's feeling I will be happy, because this is what I want. To make an atmosphere close to Riven, to watch the scenery and feel amazed, to just look around and feel "wow".

I don't know how well Vue can perform in heavy populated scenes but since it is the only tool I have available now I have to try my best with it.

So here is the first scene.

And the second where I did some changes.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Light and Shadow

So in my research about the games creation, I came through what people call "feeling" or "game atmosphere".

It is when you are looking at a creepy scene with a couple of corpses, at night, in the woods. And even if it is just a game scene you see in your computer, it gives you the creeps.

This is a hard part in gaming making, even in a simple game like the one I want to make.

What make the difference in that scenes?
The light, and the shadows!

Yes, yes... it seems that a scene can have nothing else than shadows and dark silhouettes and give you the creeps.
Plain and simple... not?
No! It may sound pretty easy but there is a whole theory behind the usage of light and shadow. Even if you are painting in canvas, drawing freehand, making CG images or whatever involves a scene which must give a specific feeling to it's audience, it is a hard part of the creation, to use light and shadows in the way you want.

Even the prospective can make a scene boring or awesome.

You can notice that here:

(bigger here

I made this to demonstrate the lighting and shadows in vue 6, but while you look at it, the feeling isn't right. I wanted to made something to make you feel a melancholy, or something like that. But it is not working.

In the following video I used the same scene, but changed the focus of the camera. The results are way closer to what I wanted to show at the preview scene.

So when you are attempting to make a scene you must take in consideration the theory of lights and shadows, even the prospective of the camera.

That was good lesson for me, mostly because I learned it in the initial state, before the project start for good and have to correct big mistakes in my scenes.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Change of plans

Well I was thinking deeper about the scenario of the fantasy project and realized that the "fantasy setting/scenario" is not what I really want.

So I came up with the idea of having a crazy world, something like Alice in Wonderland. With no limits. Everything can happen, everything can be seen. This give a nice opportunity here to mix up any idea that will come to light. I was even thinking of making it like some short of psychedelic cyberpunk world where logic is gone and the principles of nature does not apply, as I said, like Alice in Wonderland.

Then I was wondering about the characters. I really have no knowledge of how to make 3D persons, so this can be a trouble and a big slowdown in the progress. But since I decided to go on with the cyberpunk think I guess the characters can just be anything.

So I made this:

Also I was thinking about doing a "voice over" on the dialogs by using the great text to speech which coming with the MacOSX.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Wall and grass

So here is a little (and bad) addition, I added the wall and the grass, but the wall is very fake, I don't like the final come out so I will change it.

It is very isometric for a man made wall of that age and it ended up very mossy, I need something more sunburned stone to use as material.
Also I changed the door a little so it is more realistic at the joint with the frame.

Anyway this is the result.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Fantasy Project

I recently started a project, which most likely will be my Bachelor of Arts subject next year.

Since in the first part of my BA I picked up to do research and write about the Virtual Worlds in Video Games, I though it will be a nice idea to make a virtual world on my own, not something too difficult, just a simple adventure style game, with not much challenge. It will mostly be a nice looking multimedia application, with a few pretty easy riddles.

The game will be made in Vue 6 infinite and Photoshop, and I will compose the images and videos on Flash, where I will add some interactivity as well.

It is pretty soon to start this project, but even if it will not be difficult, it will need a lot of time, so I started a few months ago, with some other small projects, to learn how Vue 6 is working and what it is capable of.

Yesterday I did my first major step, and created my first complete item. A castle,stone framed, iron reinforced, wooden door.

Here is the final render:

Click here for bigger image (click on image to enlarge)

And some details which are hidden in the shadows:

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